I have been struggling with what direction to take this blog. If anyone is actually reading this, you'll probably note it has been a long time since my last entry. I do not want to create data for the sole sake of creating data. Lately, I have been researching both the Theory of Evolution (TOE) as well as some of the attacks on the TOE. As I get up to speed on this subject, I will be making some posts. My goal here is to bring to light some of the bad attacks on the TOE that are often used by opponents and to discuss why they are bad from a view that is, while hopefully fair and balanced, from a fellow believer. I am not going to go so far as to plan this entire series out before I start, so it may be a little chaotic chronologically speaking.
Three decades I have walked the Earth. Almost four. I have known what it is to be loved by good parents, to be alienated and abused by classmates, to be a failure at scholastic pursuits, to be a success at scholastic pursuits, to find a family apart from heredity, to know love with the joys and pains that brings, to be a father of three wonderful children, and to be a master craftsman at my profession. I have seen the glory of man, and the failure of man. When I was a young child, I gave my life to Christ. I still remember the event, or at least I think I do. Evergreen Baptist Church. Vacation Bible School. Altar call. I was moved to move, to walk the path, to commit my life to Christ. I have never had a burning passion for Christ, but I have held him in my heart. In college I drifted away, as is the tendency. When I became serious with my now wife, we agreed to walk the road of life together as a Christian family....