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Showing posts from August, 2013

Comforting the Masses, August 2013

Recently an old friend of mine, upon seeing me post about finally finishing The Origin of Species , suggested that I take a look at a video by Ray Comfort, Evolution vs. God .  Reluctantly, I did so.  The video seems to be created by Ray Comfort in an interview-style on the UCLA campus.   He does the following: Interviews Students Led to believe they are mostly students in a science-related discipline All seem to be portrayed as agnostic or atheist Main Interviews PZ Meyers Craig Stanford Gail Kennedy Peter Nonacs Main Interview During the video, Ray repeatedly seems to come back to the question:   Can you give me one example of Darwinian Evolution , where one kind evolves into another kind .   While he doesn’t define kind , he does provide minor clarification that suggest that he thinks kinds are people, cats, fish, or bacteria.   Biologists use, as best as I can tell, 8 classifications for different kinds of animals: Life...